Mom is a vibrant lady and has just recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, her fourth. Over the next season, we will be keeping you up to date on the latest with her and us. Thank you for reading, praying, and loving her.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Mom's Brave Time

The choice to stay at home has been harder on Mom (and in some ways, everyone) than expected. What a difference, in a world where so many pine away in nursing homes and hospitals. I don't begrudge or criticize those who do so, but Mom has chosen instead to be at home in this time, and it has been a long journey. People have been so willing to pitch in and give time, provender, money, or prayers to support us in this season. God has shown us how gentle his hands are, and how much he has to provide. But, what a sweet, hard time.

Mom died this afternoon at 4 or so, slipping gently across. Whatever the case may be, her body isn't broken any more. Her mind is whole, and she has been shot through with light. What a joy to know the resolution and finality of this journey.

Think back and remember what you know of her, if you had the joy of knowing her. We will be having a memorial service at the end of this week, and will post the details here soon. There will also be an obituary run in the Knoxville, Kingsport, and Johnson City newspapers. We look forward to sharing memories with you then, and laughing and crying some.

Know that the Father has blessed us. He has poured out love on us. He has given us what we need. He has given us more. He is more than good or excellent, and He knows us so.

Thank you, Father, for my Earthly Mother. What a gift she has been. I knew your love first because of her love. I knew your gentle hand because of her gentle hand. Take her to your table and let her rest and be filled.

She used to include the following on all of her letters to us, claiming the lines for her own. We'll never be able to read that children's book without thinking of her:

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always.
As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."

What a wonder that others have felt her take them up in her heart as her own...what a wonder.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A plateau...for now.

Mom has been stable over the last few days. She lost some blood on Saturday, and there was some concern for continued bleeding. It has stopped, however, and she is maintaining. It is harder and harder for her to breathe well and swallow, and it is difficult to catch more than a few words of what she is trying to say, but she is communicating some still with us. Coherent moments are few and far between, and she has been fairly agitated because of being in the bed so much. A short reprieve on Friday consisted of getting her out of the bed and into the living room to look at the yard and the leaves that have been changing and falling in the yard. She was much relieved to see outside and enjoyed the sunlight.

Thank you all so much again for prayers and meals, and all of the other support that goes unmentioned. It has been a hard time this past week or two, and there have been more tears than usual.

Sally forth,
