Mom is a vibrant lady and has just recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, her fourth. Over the next season, we will be keeping you up to date on the latest with her and us. Thank you for reading, praying, and loving her.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Home Stretch

I apologize for not posting sooner. A great deal has happened since our last post. Directly after our last post, I came down with pneumonia, and was then laid off from my job.

In the last week and a half, Mom has taken a serious turn for the worse. It has been like the flip of a switch, as her liver has begun the final stages of failure. On Wednesday, a week and a half ago, she suddenly began dry heaving and crying out. It has been a struggle since then. We are now employing hospice care, and she is requiring around the clock care from us. There are stages where she is lucid, but largely, her time is spent resting. We have structured some time for us to exchange care, but Michele is taking the brunt of the time.

They have given us a time frame for the home stretch for Mom. The doctors and hospice nurses are telling us two months is the maximum time to expect her to live. We feel that this is an overgenerous estimate, and that it will be much sooner than that.

Emily is setting up a rotation through a website for the bringing of food, because the mean time doesn't allow her visitors. I will put a link up later today. Mom still loves getting notes and messages, and we shoot for her most lucid times to share them.

Feel free to email me with anything, or questions. My email is

We love you all. Thanks again for following, irregular though it may be. The posts will be closer together, as time is quickly passing.

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